Christmas time

Created by David Fiske 10 years ago
I can still clearly remember Christmas, mum used to get all excited it was like the little girl came out in her. Me Emma and Luke would go off to school on a cold December's day that's when mum would get the tree and decorations down. She would then create our very own santa's grotto in the living room everything would be perfect especially the tree nobody was allowed to touch the tree. Every year she would even put up the rubbish decorations that we made at school especially the 1 that Emma made of Santa and my very good candles made out of toilet roll tubes. When we came home from school it was such a lovely surprise our faces must of been a picture. Mum was always very happy at Christmas I think it was because she loved the huge smiles me Emma and Luke had on our faces. Even up to her last Christmas she had a huge smile as she gave out presents to us. We will miss you mum always x x x